Best Auto Loan Refinance for Bad Credit

Best Auto Loan Refinance for Bad Credit

A high-rate auto loan can cost you hundreds of dollars in interest payments. But refinancing your car loan may be an option. Refinancing...

What Does “Same as Cash” Mean?

What Does “Same as Cash” Mean?

Chances are you’ve come across same-as-cash financing before.  Home service providers, contractors, and furniture stores often offer this type of financing, and it...

Point-of-Sale Loans | LendEDU

Point-of-Sale Loans | LendEDU

Point-of-sale loans—aka point-of-sale financing or buy now, pay later—allow consumers to buy products online or in a store and pay off the purchase...

Personal Loans for Investments | LendEDU

Personal Loans for Investments | LendEDU

Investing your money is one of the best ways to grow wealth. But how do you grow your wealth if you don’t have...

Personal Loans by State | LendEDU

Personal Loans by State | LendEDU

Personal loans can put cash in your hands when you need to consolidate debt, cover an emergency expense, or make a large purchase....

How Does a Mortgage Work?

How Does a Mortgage Work?

A mortgage is a loan to purchase property, often a house or condo. When you take out a mortgage, you borrow money from...

How to Get a Mortgage

How to Get a Mortgage

A mortgage is a loan to purchase property or real estate. When you take out a mortgage, you borrow money from a lender—often...

How Does Mortgage Repayment Work?

How Does Mortgage Repayment Work?

A mortgage is a substantial financial commitment. For most people, their home purchase is their largest asset and most significant debt. Understanding how...

What Types of Properties Can You Use a Mortgage On?

What Types of Properties Can You Use a Mortgage On?

Whether you’re buying your first home, a vacation home, or an investment property, a mortgage is often the only way to make it...

Kovo Credit Builder Review | LendEDU

Kovo Credit Builder Review | LendEDU

Rates (APR) 0% Dollar amount of payments $10 per month Repayment terms 24 months Fees None Kovo is a registered Public Benefit Corporation...