In response to California’s state budget agreement for Fiscal Year 2024-25, Emmanuel “Manny” Rodriguez, Director of Policy and Advocacy for California at The...
ByuserJuly 8, 2024Are you a college student wondering how to make the most of your financial aid? Did you know that you can use your...
ByuserJuly 7, 2024Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its updated budget projections for fiscal years (FYs) 2024-2034. Congressional appropriators use the projections to...
ByuserJune 28, 2024The Federal Pell Grant is a significant financial aid program aimed at helping students afford the rising costs of higher education in the...
ByuserJune 27, 2024Figuring out how to pay for college if you have little to no money can feel stressful, but it is doable. You just...
ByuserJune 8, 2024Also known as trade or technical schools, vocational schools focus on hands-on training and education in specific trades, such as welding, construction, and...
ByuserJune 3, 2024