
How Marriage Affects Student Loans

How Marriage Affects Student Loans

When it comes to student loans and your marriage, in most cases, you’re not responsible for your spouse’s debt. However, marriage might affect...

Can You Have a Cosigner on a HELOC?

Can You Have a Cosigner on a HELOC?

If you’re looking to get approved for a home equity line of credit (HELOC) but are worried your credit score or income won’t...

Watch This If You’re Impacted By The Coronavirus

Watch This If You’re Impacted By The Coronavirus

  If you’ve been impacted by the coronavirus, you’re not alone. Dave remembers exactly how it feels to be so afraid that your...

How Much Income Do I Need for a HELOC?

How Much Income Do I Need for a HELOC?

Lenders evaluate several financial measures when you apply for a home equity line of credit (HELOC). Although most lenders don’t specify a minimum...

How to Focus on What Really Matters During Coronavirus

How to Focus on What Really Matters During Coronavirus

With everything going on right now, it’s really easy to feel completely out of control. You’re hearing conversations about layoffs and recessions. You’re...

Best Fixed-Rate Student Loans

Best Fixed-Rate Student Loans

Federal student loans have fixed interest rates, but private loans may be offered with fixed or variable rates. In almost every circumstance, it...

What Is the Start Date for Student Loan Repayment?

What Is the Start Date for Student Loan Repayment?

Knowing your student loan repayment start date is important because paying your bills on time positively contributes to your long-term credit health. In...

How to Deal With Life in Quarantine

How to Deal With Life in Quarantine

  Living life in quarantine doesn’t have to be chaotic. Make a plan for your day—and stick to it. Dave and Dr. John...

Forbearance vs. Deferment for Student Loans

Forbearance vs. Deferment for Student Loans

If you can’t make your student loan payments, you have options. Two of the most common ones are deferment and forbearance. According to...

Best HELOCs Without Prepayment Penalties

Best HELOCs Without Prepayment Penalties

If you want to pay back your home equity line of credit (HELOC) early, you might need to pay a prepayment penalty fee...