Home Grant Why the Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program Matters

Why the Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program Matters

Why the Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program Matters

Increased college attainment and completion rates result in a more educated workforce, greater economic mobility, and reduced income disparities. However, college completion rates nationwide have stagnated. Millions of students ‘stop-out,’ leaving college without completing a degree and miss out on the economic opportunities afforded by having a postsecondary credential. In recent years, comprehensive approaches to student success (CASS) programs have emerged as a proven model to get students across the finish line. Additional funding through the Postsecondary Success Grants (PSSG) program could further expand access to critical support services, including academic advising, mentoring, and tutoring, ensuring students receive the guidance they need to thrive in their educational journey.

In its latest advocacy primer, TICAS urges Congressional leaders to increase funding for PSSG and help institutions invest in data-driven and evidence-based solutions such as CASS programs. Highlighting key data points about what student populations don’t complete and the challenges they face along the way, the primer serves as a compelling resource for policymakers, advocates, and student-success practitioners when strategizing solutions to increase college persistence, attainment, and completion.

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