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College Value at Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions

College Value at Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions

Current assessments of college value are incomplete and can even be misleading when they do not account for the unique economic conditions of students of color before, during, and after they leave college. Broader issues like structural racism cascade into inequities in college affordability but are often left out of national ranking systems and discussions on college value. TICAS’s Race and Economic Mobility (REM) metric offers a better gauge of potential economic outcomes to support its ongoing advocacy for equitable investments in both students of color and colleges serving the largest shares of racially marginalized students. 

Our latest brief examines economic outcomes for students who complete their degrees at Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs). The analysis finds that students who attended AANAPISIs earn more than their peers who did not, with students graduating from four-year AANAPISIs earning an average of $8,700 more than their peers. higher earnings among their graduates, AANAPISIs continue to receive significantly less funding and smaller grants compared to other MSIs.

This brief is the last in a three-part series about Race and Economic Mobility at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Additional information about data and methodology for the briefs can be found in the technical documentation.

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