
California’s Final FY23-24 State Budget

California’s Final FY23-24 State Budget

With the final 2023- 24 state budget being signed, a clearer picture has emerged around California’s fiscal situation and how it will impact...

The California Legislature’s FY24 Budget Priorities

The California Legislature’s FY24 Budget Priorities

College Affordability Prioritize any future financial aid investments for Cal Grant Reform. The Governor’s January budget proposes a one-time increase of $227 million...

Why the Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program Matters

Why the Postsecondary Student Success Grant Program Matters

Increased college attainment and completion rates result in a more educated workforce, greater economic mobility, and reduced income disparities. However, college completion rates...

How Iowa and Louisiana Use State Data to Help Boost FAFSA Completion Rates

How Iowa and Louisiana Use State Data to Help Boost FAFSA Completion Rates

Every year, millions of students fill out the Free Application for Federal Students Aid (FAFSA) to access grant aid for college. However, students...

Paving the Way: Strategies for Achieving Debt-Free College 

Paving the Way: Strategies for Achieving Debt-Free College 

The Institute for College Access & Success (TICAS) commissioned leading academics to write a series of papers to inform the policy conversation about...

18 Ways Parents Can Help With the Scholarship Process
GrantSave MoneyScholarships

18 Ways Parents Can Help With the Scholarship Process

If you’re new to the scholarship application process, there’s a lot of uncharted territory and even the most organized aspiring college students could...

5 Best Private Student Loans for June 2023
GrantSave Money

5 Best Private Student Loans for June 2023

If you’ve exhausted all your scholarship, grant, work-study, and federal student loan options and still need money for school, private student loans can...

California Coalition Letter Supporting Postsecondary Accountability, Quality, & Financial Aid

California Coalition Letter Supporting Postsecondary Accountability, Quality, & Financial Aid

A group of six organizations with a shared interest in protecting students from predatory institutions that provide low-quality education and leave students with...

TICAS Statement on House Vote to Block Student Debt Relief

TICAS Statement on House Vote to Block Student Debt Relief

“The Biden-Harris Administration’s one-time debt relief program is an overdue acknowledgement that our higher education system relies far too heavily on students taking...

How to Help Your Child Graduate College Debt-Free: 16 Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt
GrantSave MoneyScholarships

How to Help Your Child Graduate College Debt-Free: 16 Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt

Being a parent is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs out there. Children require love, time, patience –– not to mention a...