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Does Refinancing Student Loans Save Money?
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Does Refinancing Student Loans Save Money?

Refinancing your student loans involves applying for a new private loan to pay off one or more federal or private student loans. This...

HSA Tax Benefits – Ramsey
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HSA Tax Benefits – Ramsey

Unless you’ve got one of those magical unicorn health insurance plans with no deductible, no copay, a low premium and tons of coverage,...

Refinance MBA Student Loans | LendEDU
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Refinance MBA Student Loans | LendEDU

If you have a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), you know it can be a valuable key to unlocking high-paying doors.  But that...

How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save?
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How Much of My Paycheck Should I Save?

How much of my paycheck should I save? That’s the question on a lot of people’s minds. Matter of fact, a whole bunch...

Student Loan Refinance Rates | LendEDU
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Student Loan Refinance Rates | LendEDU

Student loan refinancing allows you to combine multiple federal or private student loans into one loan with a single payment. You can also...

How Much Does It Cost to Get Your Taxes Done?
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How Much Does It Cost to Get Your Taxes Done?

Who likes doing taxes? Basically no one. And if you’re like me, you understand that paying your taxes is necessary, but it’s an...

Credit Score Needed to Refinance Student Loans
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Credit Score Needed to Refinance Student Loans

Student loan refinancing refers to combining multiple student loans into one new loan with a private lender, such as a bank, credit union,...

How Much Does It Cost to Refinance Student Loans?
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How Much Does It Cost to Refinance Student Loans?

You’re not alone if you’re looking to refinance your student loans. Thousands of people swap out their old student loans for new ones...

How to Have a Growth Mindset to Achieve Your Goals
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How to Have a Growth Mindset to Achieve Your Goals

I always tell people (and always have to remind myself), “Mind your business, because your mind is your business.” Clever, I know. What...

Student Loan Refinance Bonuses | LendEDU
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Student Loan Refinance Bonuses | LendEDU

If you’re struggling to make your payments or just want to save some money, refinancing your student loans can help. Swapping your debt...